What does low carbon mean?
Low carbon Simply means less carbon dioxide (CO2)… Therefore, by lowering the amount of CO2 we produce, we are being kinder to our planet.
What is carbon sequestration?
Carbon sequestration is the process of capturing and storing atmospheric carbon dioxide. It is one method of reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere with the goal of reducing global climate change.
How can we help with this?
Organic material (manure) in our soil is very high at 16.9% a good result is 5-7%
Carbon sequestration is estimated at estimate 3 to 5 tonne per hectare of carbon in our soil.
Why is this good?
Regenerative Farming
- soil sample shows that our farm stores approximately 160 ton of carbon in our soil (per annum)
- nesting ground for birds, lapwing and curlew
- pasture rotation with a minimum 6-week rest from all livestock. This allows wildlife, fauna and flora to flourish
- chemical free. We don’t use any chemicals! No Pesticide’s, No Herbicides, Only our own manure.
100 % Grass Fed
- Our lamb, beef and water buffalo only ever have Mothers milk, grass and hay. Our hay is from a site of Scientific interest. It contains 41 different species of grass, herbs and wild flower.
- No antibiotics and wormers (if we have to use these for animal welfare then we do not use these animals for meat and sell them on)
- Rare and Traditional Beef Live Stock (hardy animals well adapted to the British Climate)
See summary below of the different grasses and plants found on our various fields. The DAFOR scale indicates the abundance of the plant within the habitat.
D = Dominant A = Abundant F = Frequent O = Occasional R = Rare
The pre-fix “L” indicates Locally, where the plant can be, for example, dominant within only one locality of the habitat.